Faculty of Fine Arts and Design

Tuition fees Online registration form

The Faculty of PLASTIC ARTS AND DESIGN, UPS “Ion Creangă” is one of the most outstanding faculties in the field of art, design and art education in the Republic of Moldova. As a center of art education and research in the field of art, with 45 years of experience, the faculty prepares specialists in the field of arts – decorative arts, painting, graphics, interior design, fashion design, graphic design, game design, animation, web design, technological and plastic education.


Admission period

Application period:
July 22 – July 31, 2025

Announcement of interim results:
August 5, 2025

Submission of original documents:
August 6 – August 9, 2025

Announcement of final results:
August 11, 2025

Regulamentul privind organizarea admiterii la studii superioare de licență, Ciclul I, pentru anul universitar 2024 – 2025, în cadrul Universității Pedagogice de Stat „ION CREANGĂ” din Chișinău

Actele necesare la admitere
Ciclul I-Licență, și Ciclul II-Masterat:

Dosarul de concurs va cuprinde următoarele acte – Obligatoriu:

  1. Cererea de înscriere la concursul de admitere (modelul aprobat de Senat);
  2. Actul de studii, în original, cu anexa respectivă (Absolvenții liceelor din România și alte state, promoția din anul admiterii, depun certificatul de studii, cu notele obținute la examenele de bacalaureat și situația școlară pe anii de studii, urmând ca diploma de bacalaureat să fie prezentată ulterior); actele de studii, emise într-o altă limbă decât română, trebuie să posede traducerea legalizată la notar.
  3. 4 fotografii 3×4 cm color;
  4. Copia buletinului de identitate sau copia certificatului de naștere al candidatului la studii – reprezentant al diasporei moldovenești de peste hotare, sau al unuia dintre părinții acestuia, pentru a demonstra țara de origine (Republica Moldova).
  5. Taxa pentru înscriere la studii – 100 de lei.


* Pentru cetățenii străini: pașaportul să fie cu termenul de valabilitate cel puțin 1 an de zile la momentul depunerii actelor și declarația pe propria răspundere cu privire la veridicitatea actelor.

Informație Admitere, Ciclul III – Doctorat

Programul de activitate
al Comisiei de admitere:

Luni-Vineri, orele 8:30 – 16:00,
Sâmbătă, orele 8:30 – 14:00

Chișinău, str. I. Creangă 1, MD-2069
Tel.: (+373) 68687743 – Natalia Sajin

Gallery Wordpress
Follow your dream!
Choose the Faculty of PLASTIC ARTS AND DESIGN, UPS “Ion Creangă”!

  • The proposed specializations offer a qualified training in the fields of fine arts and design, 3D animation and game design.
  • The dual training – didactic and artistic – is an advantage in finding a job in the competitive labor market.
  • It is the first faculty in the Republic of Moldova that trains teachers for artistic education.
  • The faculty is staffed with highly qualified artistic and didactic teachers: masters of arts, members of the Union of Fine Artists of the Republic of Moldova and Romania, doctors, professors, lecturers, lecturers, experienced practitioners in the field of fine arts and design.
  • The Faculty has large, bright and attractive spaces, specialized workshops, renovated laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and computers, modern technologies.

The faculty includes the following study programs:

Cycle I – BACHELOR (180 and 240 credits)

Part-time studies
Cycle I – BACHELOR (240 credits) – 4 years

  • Technological education
  • Fine arts

At the end of their studies, students are awarded the title of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Education.


Priority directions of study in the specialties:

FINE ARTS (with in-depth studies in web design) – Drawing, Painting, Graphic Design, Composition, Sculpture, Digital Studies, Web Design, Two-dimensional Graphic Design, Three-dimensional Art, Digital Graphic Techniques, Image Interpretation Course, Artistic Practices in Multimedia Context, Visual Communication through Design, Artistic Photography, Design and Model Making, Undergraduate Internship, etc.

TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION – Textile Art, Knitting, Embroidery, Embroidery, Crochet, Tapestry, Clothing Design, Product Design, Creative Industries, Robotics, Batic, Ceramics, Artistic Leather, Wood and Metal Working, Didactics of Technological Education, Digital Education, etc.

INTERIOR DESIGN – Design and Model Making, Design in 3D MAX, Architectonics, Representation Techniques, Specialized Drawing and Painting, etc.

PAINTING – Easel Painting, Monumental Painting, Religious Painting, Restoration, Composition, Coloristics, etc.

GRAPHICS – Easel graphics, Computer-assisted graphics, Graphic design, Web design, Book graphics, Engraving techniques, Photo art, Calligraphy, Graphic object art, Object-art, Object-book, Engraving techniques, 3D modeling, Animation, Typographic art, Graphic authoring techniques, etc.

COSTUME DESIGN – Artistic Design, Technical Design using ICT, History of Costume, Specialized Technologies, Textile Design, Digital Image Processing Techniques, etc.

DECORATIVE ARTS – Metal working with forged elements, Jewellery, Technical design, Textile design, Ceramics, Batic, Tapestry, Tapestry, Embroidery, Artistic leather and woodwork, etc.

Cycle II – MASTER (1,5 years of study, 90 credits)

Master’s studies offer the opportunity to deepen skills according to specialization, the possibility to apply for managerial positions and to pursue studies at the third cycle – doctorate.

Title awarded upon graduation: Master of Arts or Master of Science in Education.


includes two types of training programs:
* 3 years of full-time studies;
* 4 years of part-time studies

  • School didactics by educational stages and subjects (fine arts, technological education)
  • Vocational pedagogy

Further training and re-qualification
for teachers in pre-university education:

  • Fine arts / Technological education
  • ProgramThematic programs
  • Painting


  • Motion Design

The graduates of the faculty work as designers in the advertising and publishing sphere, interior designers, fashion designers, managers in the field of art and culture, professional artists in the field of fine and decorative arts, painting and easel graphics, book graphics, advertising graphics; teachers of art and technology education in secondary schools, high schools, art schools, art centers, etc.

A good number of graduates have started and run their own businesses in the field of art, design and visual advertising (Alina Bradu, Adelina Iucal, Ana Cecan, Veronica Ștefanco, Larisa Butucel, Corina Savin, Natalia Buzovici, Angela Urecheanu, Eudochia Apostolov, Iurie Cucuetu, Alexandru Gorban, etc.).

The Faculty provides students with spacious study rooms and workshops equipped with modern equipment necessary for the educational process: workshops for clothing design, ceramics, sculpture, jewellery, jewellery, handicrafts, tapestry, wood and metal art, interior design, drawing and painting, specialized laboratories for engraving, rooms for computer design and graphics.

Students can benefit of:

  • Places in student dormitories
  • Scholarships/fellowships
  • Specialized library
  • Specialized printing
  • Cafeteria
  • Gym
  • Free internet in dormitory and study blocks
  • Training in the Center for Arts Education and Complementary Training

Students of the faculty have the opportunity to take part in various academic and creative mobility programs in institutions abroad, to show their talent and creativity by participating in exhibitions, national and international competitions, workshops, master-classes, creative camps, alongside established artists, renowned specialists in the field of art and design.